Famous Rubies in History: Gems of Royalty and Legend
Rubies have always been symbols of power, love, and beauty. Throughout history, these precious red gems have been prized by royalty and featured in many legends. Some rubies are so famous that they have become a part of history itself. In this blog, we’ll explore famous rubies from different times, telling the stories of their amazing journeys and why they are so important today.
Let’s search famous rubies, and discover the gems of kings, queens, and legends!
Why Are Rubies So Special?
Before we talk about the famous rubies, it’s important to understand what makes rubies so special. Rubies are made from a mineral called corundum, and their red color comes from chromium. The deeper and brighter the red, the more valuable the ruby is. Rubies are also very strong and durable, which means they can last for centuries without losing their beauty.
In ancient times, people believed that rubies had magical powers. They were thought to protect their owners from harm, bring good luck, and symbolize deep love. This is why rubies have been a favorite of kings, queens, and even warriors throughout history.
Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the most famous rubies in history.
1. The Black Prince’s Ruby: A Royal Treasure
One of the most famous rubies in history is known as the Black Prince’s Ruby. This ruby has been part of the British Crown Jewels for hundreds of years, and it’s set in the Imperial State Crown. But here's an interesting fact: the Black Prince’s Ruby isn’t actually a ruby at all! It’s a type of gemstone called red spinel, but because of its beautiful deep red color, it was mistaken for a ruby for a long time.
The Story of the Black Prince’s Ruby
The Black Prince’s Ruby has a long and exciting history. It is believed to have been owned by a Spanish king in the 14th century. The ruby was given to Edward of Woodstock, also known as the Black Prince, in 1367 after he helped the king in battle. From that point on, the gemstone became known as the Black Prince’s Ruby.
Over time, the ruby passed through the hands of many English kings and queens, including Henry V, who wore it in his helmet during the famous Battle of Agincourt in 1415. The ruby remains in the British Crown Jewels to this day, and it can be seen on display in the Tower of London.
2. The Sunrise Ruby: The Most Expensive Ruby Ever Sold
The Sunrise Ruby is the most expensive ruby ever sold at auction. In 2015, this stunning gemstone was sold for over $30 million! It weighs an impressive 25.59 carats and is known for its beautiful deep red color, also known as pigeon blood red, which is one of the most sought-after shades of red in rubies.
The Name and Meaning Behind the Sunrise Ruby
The name "Sunrise Ruby" comes from a poem by the famous Persian poet Rumi. The poem talks about the beauty of the sunrise and compares it to the color of a ruby. The gemstone's name is a tribute to the poet's words, emphasizing the ruby’s glowing beauty.
The Sunrise Ruby is special not just because of its size and color but also because of its rarity. Finding a ruby of this quality and size is incredibly rare, which is why it fetched such a high price at auction.
3. The Liberty Bell Ruby: A Stolen Gem
The Liberty Bell Ruby was one of the largest rubies ever discovered, weighing about 4 pounds! This ruby was carved into the shape of the Liberty Bell in 1976 to celebrate the United States Bicentennial (the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence). The ruby was set with 50 diamonds, representing each state in the U.S.
The Story of the Theft
Sadly, the Liberty Bell Ruby has an unfortunate story. In 2011, the ruby was stolen from a jewelry store in Delaware and has never been recovered. The theft of such a large and famous ruby shocked the world, and it remains one of the most infamous gemstone thefts in history.
4. The Mogok Ruby: A Burmese Treasure
Rubies from Myanmar (formerly Burma) are known for their incredible color and quality. One of the most famous rubies from this region is the Mogok Ruby, named after the Mogok Valley where it was found. Burmese rubies, especially those from Mogok, are known for their deep, rich color, often referred to as pigeon blood red.
Burmese Rubies in History
Burmese rubies have been highly prized for centuries and were often owned by kings and queens. The Mogok Ruby, in particular, has a long history of being passed down through royal families. Its deep red color and flawless clarity make it one of the most valuable rubies in the world.
5. The Rosser Reeves Star Ruby: A Star in the Sky
The Rosser Reeves Star Ruby is one of the largest and most famous star rubies in the world. Star rubies are special because they have a natural star-like shape that appears on the surface of the gem when light hits it. This star effect is called asterism.
The Story of the Rosser Reeves Star Ruby
This stunning ruby weighs 138.7 carats and is known for its beautiful six-pointed star. It was owned by an American advertising executive named Rosser Reeves, who loved the ruby so much that he carried it with him everywhere as a good luck charm. He later donated the ruby to the Smithsonian Institution, where it is still on display today.
Conclusion: Famous Rubies and Their Incredible Stories
Rubies have always been more than just beautiful gemstones. Throughout history, they have been symbols of power, love, and legend. From the Black Prince’s Ruby in the British Crown Jewels to the Sunrise Ruby, the most expensive ruby ever sold, these gems have captured the hearts and imaginations of people all over the world.
Each of these famous rubies has its own unique story, whether it’s a tale of royal ownership, a spectacular auction, or even a mysterious theft. What makes rubies so special isn’t just their beauty—it’s the history and meaning behind each stone.
Next time you see a ruby, remember that it might have a story all its own, waiting to be discovered!